
30代オタク夫婦の語り場です。漫画・映画の感想がメイン。特撮と世界一初恋とBANANA FISHもアツい。そんな夫婦です。


Review : We've watched "2gether THE MOVIE" share our impression!

On 4th June, "2gether the movie" was released in Japan.

Under the influence of covid-19, released in Japan earlier than Thailand.

We have watched the movie in Shinjuku, Japan.


In a word, it was GREAT.



Bright posted on instagram same view.

GODZILLA might envy them.


before main story starts, we got a notice about movie.

it says..

You can share your impressions about movie on SNS, but Don't spoil where new scenes are and story end. please consider fans all over the world haven't watched movie yet.


So I don't write spoils on this artcle,  I hope you can watch this movie on cinema as sonn as possble....!


*we Japanese fans can't post our detail impressions of the movie, we only say 泣いた(naita "cried"), but this is NOT meaning "this story made us sadness" , it just "I'm moved" .




As you all know, this movie is compilation story about Tine,Sarawat and thier friends.

the movie starts from Tine and Sarawat's room,  it's the spical day for Tine and Sarawat.

they look back on their days... of course,from fateful encounter Green :3


On drama, actors sometimes show us advertised goods,( Oishi Juice, coke, some cosmetics ,noodles and so on ) but they don't  apper on this movie..

To be honest,it was the one thing I was little disappointed.(cuz in Japan,advertised goods apper on drama is almost nothing. I liked it lol)


hmm, It is hard to write reveiw without spoilers. I can't write anymore.


anyways, if you surport Tine and Sarawat, you MUST watch this movie.

you must be give the biggest happiness from them!